2. Change frontpage


By default there is a welcome message on the front page. This is a block and it is good to make such block passive if planning to use a page as front page.
Click List Blocks in Admin General Menu (or choose URL block/list-blocks), look for Block name coreFrontPage and click Edit for this block. Scroll down and change Block status to be Passive. Click "Save".

To create new front page content, add new page.
Click Add Page on Admin General Menu (URL: page/add-page).

Write "Frontpage" to the Title field.
No title is otherwise needed for front page, but every page must have a title - thus this field must be filled and better to fill it with something which helps to recognize what sort of page it is.

Create the content of the front page in the Body form element.

Choose Page status to be "Not published".
If it would be Published, then this page would be accessible also on other URL, not only as front page. Google and other search bots may find both of these pages and consider such pages as duplicated content and not index them good for search results.

Click "Save" button to create the front page.

To make the system to understand, that it is a front page, you must first find out, what is the id number of the front page.
Click Admin menu List All Pages (or choose URL: page/list-all-pages). Look at the Title field and scroll down to find the Frontpage.
On the Frontpage row click the Edit link. On the Frontpage edit page look at the URL field of the browser - last number after last slash of the URL is meaning the front page id number - for example 5.

Click List Config from Admin menu
Select module: Page
Select type: frontPage
In Config value form field change the last number after slash to be the front page id number (For example "FrontPage/buildFrontPage/5").

Click "Save changes"

Click website title Manual in header to go to front page.
Now you should see the new front page in content area of the website.

Previous: 1. Change footer | Next: 3. Change header
Adjust the new website: frontpage, header, footer, favicon
1. Change footer
2. Change frontpage
3. Change header
4. Add a favicon image