3. Change header


3.1. Change site name

After installing a website, the site name is recorded in sites directory in a config file of this website. If you wish to change the site name through CMS interface, then it can be considered as language phrase and a block must be added for such site name. Language module must be installed.

For example, imagine that you wish to change the website title (site name) to be in English "Manuals for Allmice CMS".

List the language phrases for module GlobalCore and language English (URL: [path-to-your-site]/language/list-phrases).
Edit the following language phrase changing Phrase text: to "Manuals for Allmice CMS":
Language code: en
Phrase text: Manuals for Allmice CMS
Type: 11
Module name: GlobalCore
Specific name: siteName
Uri: siteName

Add a block (URL: [path-to-your-site]/block/add) with following details:
Block code: siteName
Block building module: GlobalCore
Type: siteName
Block building method: getSiteName
Region code: siteName
Access right for roles: admin, anonymous, authenticated (and all other roles if any)
Rank: 1
Block status: Active
Language code: en

Now the site name should be changed to "Manuals for Allmice CMS".

3.2. Change logo

Prepare an image as logo using your favorite image manipulation software (Gimp, Photoshop, etc.) and copy it to custom directory.
Click List config on Admin General Menu and edit config item, which is described as
Module name: GlobalCore
Config type: ThemeBody
Resource identifier (uri): logoImage
Add here image tag with the logo file location url (e.g. https://www.allmice.com/cms/custom/site-name-logo.png) and save changes. The token https://www.allmice.com/cms will be automatically replaced with website's main (front page) URL.
Now logo image should be displayed on the website. The themes which are provided with Classic Edition are wrapping such logo image with link to front page.

3.3. Use an image as site name on header

Prepare an image as site name and copy it to custom directory.
Click List config on Admin General Menu and edit config item, which is described as
Module name: GlobalCore
Config type: ThemeBody
Resource identifier (uri): siteNameImage
Add here image tag with the image location url (e.g. https://www.allmice.com/cms/custom/site-name.png) and save changes. The token https://www.allmice.com/cms will be automatically replaced with website's main (front page) URL.
Now site name as string should be gone and the described image should replace it.

Previous: 2. Change frontpage | Next: 4. Add a favicon image
Adjust the new website: frontpage, header, footer, favicon
1. Change footer
2. Change frontpage
3. Change header
4. Add a favicon image