1. Explore Allmice CMS functionality


The manuals are giving a good overview of the functionality which is available on Allmice CMS Classic Edition, but are not covering all of it. There are some ways to explore all the Allmice CMS functionality, what current installed modules are providing.

Explore functionality checking out module pages (i.e. module events, i.e. module methods)

After logging in as admin user on a new website of Allmice CMS Classic Edition there are on left side two menus
Admin General Menu
Admin User Menu.

One way to explore and use functionality of Allmice CMS is to click on the menu links of these two menus.
There is a lot more functionality available, than on these menus.

Another way to explore all the available functionality is clicking in "Admin General Menu" on the link "Manage Access".
You will be landed on the "Manage access rights" page of System Manager module.
Don't be confused of the link and page name - the main purpose of this page is to change access rights for different user roles of the Allmice CMS functionality pages. The additional opportunity of this page is to explore functionality of all installed modules.

From Drop-down menu "Select module:" choose the module, which functionality you wish to explore (e.g. Page).

Scroll down and you will see a table, which lists all the events-methods, which the chosen module is providing. Click on link "Try" in the row of the module's method, which page you wish to see (e.g. choose method, where Event name is addPage). This method's page will open in a new browser window.

You can see now form elements and instructions below these form fields, which together are giving an impression how to add a new page to the system.

Explore functionality checking out module's configuration entries

Click in "Admin General Menu" on the link "List Config".
From Drop-down menu "Select module" choose the module, which functionality you wish to explore (e.g. Profile).
Scroll down and you will see a table, which lists all the configuration entries. The description column gives an impression in what way the chosen module can be configured.

Previous: General logic of Allmice CMS | Next: 2. Module functionality, roles, access rights
General logic of Allmice CMS
1. Explore Allmice CMS functionality
2. Module functionality, roles, access rights
3. Terminology