Get started: 3. Install the website

Previous: Get started: 2. Prepare database details | Next: Get started: 4. Other useful documentation

Go to website url http://localhost/manuals/

and use the link "Click here to install a new website!"

Install new Allmice CMS website

In our example Website name will be "Manuals". For simplicity, we leave the "Admin user e-mail *" as it is (this email will not be used by default, but needs further configuration later).

As "Admin user password" we will use in this example pw4Admin.

Allmice CMS general details install form fields

We will use table prefix "am1_" for SQL tables in MariaDB (or MySQL) database system.
Fill out the other form fields according to database details, which were described in previous sections.

Allmice CMS database details install form fields

Click Submit and you should see now the initial installed website.

Allmice CMS website installed

After installing is completed, it is suggested to change directory sites to be non-writable (more secure) again.
You can use following command in your terminal window for that:
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/manuals/sites

Try to log in with user admin!

Allmice CMS log in

After logging in first time you should see following view of the website with administrator menu on left side:

Allmice CMS authenticated

Previous: Get started: 2. Prepare database details | Next: Get started: 4. Other useful documentation
Get started tutorials
Get started: 1. Download and prepare code
Get started: 2. Prepare database details
Get started: 3. Install the website
Get started: 4. Other useful documentation