1. GlobalObserver module: configuration item consentMethod


Below are explained the options of GlobalObserver configuration item consentMethod.

If consentMethod value is "using"
IP address and browser data will be recorded into database at once since landing page (which is included).
Privacy message box will be shown again every time, when cookies will be deleted (or will not be valid any more); the message box will not be shown, when session expires.
Many sessions  will be considered as one visitor, when a same cookie binds the sessions together.

If consentMethod value is "continuing"
IP address and browser data will be recorded into database only after consent signal has been got by "continuing using" the web site - i.e. by browsing the web site.
Privacy message box will be shown again every time, when session expires, although cookies may be still valid (session expiring time can be configured in config.php file). In other words: Every session is considered as new visitor, although cookies may remain the same. If cookie, browser and ip address have been saved after consent submit, then many visitors can be related to be the same person.

If consentMethod value is "submit"
IP address and browser data will be recorded into database only after consent signal has been got by clicking submit button.
Privacy message box will be shown as long as submit button has not been clicked.
Only two events will be recorded - first landing page visit (without IP address and without browser data) and the visit, when consent submit button was clicked.
After consent submit message box is hidden until session expires. Every session is considered as new visitor, although cookies may remain the same.
If cookie, browser and ip address have been saved after consent submit, then many visitors can be related to be the same person.

If you wish to change the consentMethod config value, when there have been already saved values into mod_global_observer* tables, then it is suggested, that you archive mod_global_observer_visitor and mod_global_observer_event tables as they are so far and delete the existing values from these tables straight before the config value change.
Otherwise, there may be a lot of confusion - the visitor table would show old consentMethod to visitors and the events recorded up to the config value change moment would be with the old method, but the new events would be recorded according to the new method.

Previous: Visitor data and Consent signal system (for GDPR) | Next: 2. GlobalObserver module: configuration item observingTimes
Visitor data and Consent signal system (for GDPR)
1. GlobalObserver module: configuration item consentMethod
2. GlobalObserver module: configuration item observingTimes
3. GlobalObserver module: consent submit buttons
4. GlobalObserver module: archiving and deleting data
5. GlobalObserver module: exceptional roles
6. Visitor module