5. GlobalObserver module: exceptional roles


Observing will not be used for users with roles listed in the configuration item exceptionalRoles. Separate the exceptional roles by commas and spaces. E.g. "admin, authenticated".
Role admin is almost always a role, where GlobalObserver functionality is not needed, because usually admin is the owner of a webpage, his/her consent is not needed to be recorded and other statistics neither. Even more - if the user with admin role configures the website and observingMethod is notLimited, then it may record very much "noise data".

Previous: 4. GlobalObserver module: archiving and deleting data | Next: 6. Visitor module
Visitor data and Consent signal system (for GDPR)
1. GlobalObserver module: configuration item consentMethod
2. GlobalObserver module: configuration item observingTimes
3. GlobalObserver module: consent submit buttons
4. GlobalObserver module: archiving and deleting data
5. GlobalObserver module: exceptional roles
6. Visitor module