7. Manage contact forms and emails


You can add many email addresses and many contact forms. You can relate many contact forms to the same verified email address.

Manage contact forms

Contact forms can be added in two ways:
1) Own contact form.
This means, that the user, who has logged in, will add a contact form for himself/herself.
Go to URL: [path-to-your-site]/user/add-contact-form.
2) Contact for for any user.
Go to URL: [path-to-your-site]/user/add-any-contact-form.

The form fields there should be quite self-explanatory.
"Contact name" and "Contact form description" form field content will be shown later on the contact form, but email address will not be shown.

Adding a contact form needs at least one verified (validated) email address.

When adding own contact form and there is no verified email address, then a corresponding message will be displayed without showing the contact form adding page at all.

When adding contact form using the adding method for any user and such user has no verified email addresses, then drop-down menu about email addresses will be empty. Submit button will not be shown if user with no email addresses is chosen and a message about the problem will be displayed.

When a contact form is created, then you can list them in a table going to URL

Click on the link "Contact form" - you can copy its URL and use it for composing a link on your website to access this new contact form easier.
This table has also links to edit or delete the contact forms, which are listed there.

Manage email addresses

If the user (whom you wish to add a contact form) was created through register or sign-up method, then such user should already have a verified email address.

If you wish to add a contact form for the admin user or for a user, which account was created by admin user, then make sure first, that such user has a verified email address.

To add a verified email address, check out following URLs:
The difference of these email adding methods is similar to the difference of contact form adding methods.
To list the email addresses, use the URLs
This table has also links to edit or delete the email addresses, which are listed there.

Previous: 6. Multiple email addresses and user account recovery | Next: 8. Manage postal addresses
Users and messages
1. Modules for managing users and messages
2. Sending automatic emails
2.1. Configure email authentication details
2.2. Manage message templates
3. Authenticating
4. Adjust the website for authenticated users
4.1. Access rights for unauthenticated visitors
4.2. Adjustable links on user block
4.3. Change labels and other language phrases
4.4. Prepare content for authenticated visitors
4.5. Give access rights for authenticated users
5. Registering new users
6. Multiple email addresses and user account recovery
7. Manage contact forms and emails
8. Manage postal addresses
9. User profile