Search Engine Optimization for Allmice CMS

In this tutorial we explain, how to use Allmice CMS for your websites so, that automatically created website content would be more Search Engine friendly.

Search Engine Optimization for websites, which are created using Allmice CMS, makes sense only for the role anonymous. Search Engine bots can visit Allmice CMS websites as anonymous users - they can not authenticate themselves.

Most of the elements of the website content, which are important for SEO purposes in Allmice CMS, will be created and visited through Page module. Such elements are: URL, title tag, meta description tag, meta robots tag and they can be configured through Classic Edition.

There is also an additional module Xml Sitemap, which can be used to build XML sitemaps automatically from Page module entries and there can be added also custom XML code to these XML sitemaps about other pages of an Allmice CMS website. See

URL optimizing

The by system created URLs in Allmice CMS have by default following structure: [path-to-your-site]/[module-name]/[method-name]/[entry-id].
Such URL structure does not include keyword data and is therefore not very SEO friendly.
Page module add and edit methods let easy to replace such system created URL with custom SEO friendly alias URL, which can include keyword data in a way as you wish.
In addition such alias URL can be used for any system created URL using Admin module method add-alias.
By adding an alias URL, the by system created URL will be by default hidden (not accessible) to avoid duplicated content, but you can choose to enable both of such URLs.

Title tag

By default title tag includes only site name information and would be for every page the same, but it can be configured in Classic Edition to include also Page module entry's title.
This needs adding siteName block, which would be located in siteName region or in title region. See, which explains how to add siteName block.
Theme must have be programmed so, that it supports such SEO friendly title tag. At the moment of writing this at least Classic themes (Classic Base Theme, Classic Blue Three Theme and Classic Right Cherry Theme) are supporting such SEO friendly title tag.

Meta description tag

There is a textarea form field called Description in Page and OwnPage module add and edit methods, which is related to Meta description tag.
If this form field will be left empty before adding or editing a Page module entry, then for such entry content Meta description tag will not be shown. If this description form field will have any content before such Page entry is saved to database, then such content will be used in Meta description tag, when displaying the corresponding page.

Meta robots tag

If you wish, that Search Engine bots would not index and/or follow some particular Page module entry, then using Page and OwnPage module add and edit methods you can set up corresponding meta robots tag. For example, if you add a page and configure it to be front page, then such page would be by default duplicated content. Then it is suggested to configure meta robots tag for such original page to be no index / nofollow. By doing so Search Engine bots should consider it as front page and not as duplicated content.

Every not existing or by current user role not accessible URL in the website has automatically meta robots tag with content value "noindex, nofollow".