3. Terminology


Like any software there must be some terminology to explain the concepts or working logic of the software in the manuals and in user interfaces.

Below some terms are explained, and it is explained, why we are using such terms.

Module method i.e. module event i.e. module page.

All these three terms are meaning the same - some particular Allmice CMS functionality (for example adding a menu or editing a page).

Q: Why is it called "module event"?
A: This term is borrowed from Event-driven programming paradigm. In Allmice CMS every local module (URL-based module) event corresponds to an URL, which structure is [path-to-your-site]/[(module-path)]/[(event-path)]/[(module-entry-id)]. When a user writes such URL to browser or lands on such URL through a link, then such user action triggers the corresponding module event. Allmice CMS global modules too have one event - index event, which will be triggered every time, when a user visits whatever URL of an Allmice CMS web site. The term "event" has been used usually in user interfaces since the beginning of Allmice CMS development. It would be very time consuming and confusing and probably would cause a lot of unstability to replace it with the term method in the user interfaces.

Q: Why is it called "module page"?
A: Every functionality of Allmice CMS local modules corresponds to an URL, which structure is [path-to-your-site]/[module-path]/[(event-path)]/[(module-entry-id)]. The term page may be more understandable, than "event" or "method", to users, who don't know anything about programming paradigms. At the same time the term "module page" may be very easy confused with pages as "Page module entries". Because pages as Page module entries are the most frequent data entities in Allmice CMS, then to avoid confusion, the term "module page" is not often used in user manuals - the term module method is preferred.

Q: Why is it called "module method"?
A: This term is borrowed from Object Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm, where is a term called Class and every Class includes usually methods. In Allmice CMS every module has a controller class and every event is a method of such a controller class.
The term "module method" is mostly used in manuals, because
 "method" is in addition to OOP paradigm by common definition (a particular way of doing something) related to functionality and
 it is not confusing module pages with pages as Page module entries.

Previous: 2. Module functionality, roles, access rights
General logic of Allmice CMS
1. Explore Allmice CMS functionality
2. Module functionality, roles, access rights
3. Terminology