7. Install the website


If a website has not been installed yet, then it can be installed on this website's web address.

Check the previous examples explained in sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4.
The installing URLs according to these examples are:
3.1. Use Allmice CMS in your local computer (localhost) using same code for one website only.
Installing URL: http://localhost/my-website
3.2. Use Allmice CMS in your local computer (localhost) using same code for many websites.
Installing URL: http://localhost/my-website1
3.3. Use Allmice CMS in a remote server using same code for one website only.
Installing URL: http://www.your-domain.com
3.4. Use Allmice CMS in a remote server using same code for many websites.
Installing URL: http://www.site1.your-domain.com,

On the installing URL click the link: Click here to install a new website!
Then installing page with form fields opens.
These form fields should be self-explanatory, but below some of the fields will still be explained.

Admin user password: User admin will be created during installing process. Here you should choose password for this user. The user admin is after installing the only user in the system, who can log in and set up the system and allow other users to use the website.
Database host: It is actually not tested much, how the system works if host is not localhost - so it is suggested, to leave it localhost.
Table prefix: This is meant for the case, if many websites will be installed into same database - then different prefixes would determine, which table would belong to which website. If there is only one website, then no prefix is needed, but the system is tested the most, if still a prefix is used - so some prefix is suggested (for example am1_).

If you have filled out the form elements, then click Submit and it takes about 5-30 seconds to install the website.
After that you can log in with admin user.

In section 4 it was suggested to change the file permissions for sites directory. Now after installing it is suggested to change it again to be more secure.
Use the following command:
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/allmice-code-location/sites

Previous: 6. Configuration if using www subdomain
Install an Allmice CMS website
1. Download compressed Allmice CMS
2. Extract the file
3. Prepare web directory - 4 options
4. Change file access permissions
5. Prepare the database
6. Configuration if using www subdomain
7. Install the website