After installing Classic Edition and logging in as admin user, there are on left bar of the website two default menus, which can be used to access functionality of modules: "Admin General Menu" and "Admin User Menu".
These menus are not covering all the functionality of the installed modules.
There is a way in Allmice CMS to build quickly custom menus for your specific needs to access chosen methods of modules.
Some example cases for the need of such menus are following:
1) You may need a specific menu to access methods of modules for the users, who have a specific role. The users with such role would see this menu then by logging in.
2) You may need for admin user another custom menu for methods of modules, which you will use the most.
As an example - let's build a simple menu for Language module, which methods are not included by default in the custom admin menus at all.
Click in "Admin General Menu" on the link "Build Module Menu".
Choose "Language" in drop-down box "Select module".
Scroll down and you will see a table where all the methods of Language module are listed.
We will tick out add, edit, delete methods, because such methods need for their URL also the id number of the corresponding Language module entry and id numbers will not be added to the menu using current menu building method. Add, edit and delete methods can be accessed through list methods. So we add to the menu all the list methods and all the other methods except index. Index method will be added by default in any case using current menu builder. Click "Save menu".
An informative page appears.
You can read from this page, that menu title is "New4 Menu" and menu code is "new4Menu", which are automatically created strings and you will also notice a link "Add block!". Such menu title and code are not informative and we will change them later.
There must be a block for a menu to make the menu visible on website, where block code must be the same as menu code.
Click on the link "Add block".
You will land in another browser window to add a new block.
Write the block code there to be "languageMenu", leave the other form fields as they are by default, scroll down and click "Save".
Now you should see a table, where all the blocks are listed and there is also the block "languageMenu".
Click in "Admin General Menu" on the link "List Menus". In the table of menus click Edit in the row, where you see the automatically created menu code, which in our example is "new4Menu".
Change the form field "Menu name for computer" to be the same as block code was "languageMenu" and and change "Human readable title for menu header" to be "Language Menu", leave the other form fields as the are, scroll down and click "Save menu".
Click on website title ("Manuals" in our example), scroll down and you should see a the new "Language Menu" now.
Previous: Menus and blocks | Next: 2. Build menus for pages
Menus and blocks
1. Build menus for module methods
2. Build menus for pages
3. Build general menus
4. Add menu items
5. Edit a menu item
6. Other Menu module functionality