The configuration item observingTimes of GlobalObserving module is closely related to the other configuration item consentMethod.
If consentMethod value is using or continuing, then the configuration value of observingMethod determines, how many times browsing clicks will be saved into database and how many times message box will be shown, as long as message submit button has not been clicked. This is a string value - see observingTimes configuration entry for corresponding integer value. The message box closes and stays so until session or cookie expires if submit button on the box has been clicked or observingTimes value has been reached (in case if observingMethod value is "xTimes") - which ever of these two events happens earlier. If the value of the attribute observingPeriod is "notLimited", then saving click events into database is not limited. If it has some other value (suggetsed xTimes), then attribute observingTimes determines the number - how many times is the limit to show the box and to record the event clicks into database.
If consentMethod value is using or continuing...
In the case, if the visitor is visiting only exceptional web addresses after landing page, then observingTimes determines also how many times such pages can be visited before consent has been considered given. For example: let's consider the case, where observingTimes value is 5 and exceptional web addresses contain parts "/privacy-policy", "/cookies-policy", "/contact". The first landing page and afterwards visits only on these pages would be considered preconditions to give consent signal, but only up to limited times. Let's assume, that the visitor visits after landing page (1st visit) following pages: privacy-policy (2nd visit), then cookies-policy (3rd visit), then contact (4th visit). If the visitor visits after 4th visit for example privacy-policy page again, then although an exceptional page, consent signal will be registered by this 5th visit, because observingTimes value is 5.
Previous: 1. GlobalObserver module: configuration item consentMethod | Next: 3. GlobalObserver module: consent submit buttons
Visitor data and Consent signal system (for GDPR)
1. GlobalObserver module: configuration item consentMethod
2. GlobalObserver module: configuration item observingTimes
3. GlobalObserver module: consent submit buttons
4. GlobalObserver module: archiving and deleting data
5. GlobalObserver module: exceptional roles
6. Visitor module