4. Adjust the website for authenticated users


If you have not noticed in other manuals, then by default there are three user roles on a new installed website: admin, authenticated and anonymous and there is by default one user admin with user role admin.

After installing the website only admin user role has all the access rights for all the module methods.
Unauthenticated visitor (role anonymous) has minimal access rights to allow user admin to log in.
Authenticated user role has by default no access rights at all - you may wish to use your website without any registered users, other than admin, which is needed to configure the website.

If you wish, that the website would support many users, that users could register their accounts automatically, etc., then in the following manuals you can find out, what should you do or consider to do.

Previous: 3. Authenticating | Next: 4.1. Access rights for unauthenticated visitors
Users and messages
1. Modules for managing users and messages
2. Sending automatic emails
2.1. Configure email authentication details
2.2. Manage message templates
3. Authenticating
4. Adjust the website for authenticated users
4.1. Access rights for unauthenticated visitors
4.2. Adjustable links on user block
4.3. Change labels and other language phrases
4.4. Prepare content for authenticated visitors
4.5. Give access rights for authenticated users
5. Registering new users
6. Multiple email addresses and user account recovery
7. Manage contact forms and emails
8. Manage postal addresses
9. User profile