2.2. Manage message templates


The message templates are including various tokens, which will be replaced with various content. If not explained elsewhere, then the token codes should be quite self-explanatory about the kind of information they would provide in the messages. By editing the templates, there are also instructions, which are explaining, how, why and what to edit.

To edit-adjust the automatic message templates for your needs go to [path-to-your-site]/message/list-templates.

You will see a table, which has rows for message templates with following codes: recoverAccount, verifyEmail, wrapperGuest, wrapperMember, wrapperSystem, wrapperUser.

This template is to create automatic message, if a user has submitted account recovery request on URL [path-to-your-site]/user/recover-account.

By registering a new account or using other email verifying needing methods, a message, which will use this template, will be composed.

If a guest (not authenticated visitor) is sending a message to a user through a contact form, then this user will get from system an email, which will be composed using this template.

The messages, which system will send to user email addresses, will be wrapped with content according to this  template.

Otherwise similar as wrapperGuest, but this template will be used to compose email to an authenticated user A if other authenticated user B sends a message through a contact form of the user A.

Previous: 2.1. Configure email authentication details | Next: 3. Authenticating
Users and messages
1. Modules for managing users and messages
2. Sending automatic emails
2.1. Configure email authentication details
2.2. Manage message templates
3. Authenticating
4. Adjust the website for authenticated users
4.1. Access rights for unauthenticated visitors
4.2. Adjustable links on user block
4.3. Change labels and other language phrases
4.4. Prepare content for authenticated visitors
4.5. Give access rights for authenticated users
5. Registering new users
6. Multiple email addresses and user account recovery
7. Manage contact forms and emails
8. Manage postal addresses
9. User profile