New users can be registered in following ways:
1. Admin user adds a new account.
2. A visitor uses register method.
3. A visitor uses sign-up method.
5.1. Admin user adds a new account
A user who has admin role can add a new user account.
To do this, go to URL: [path-to-your-site]/user/add-account.
5.2. A visitor uses register method
A link may be provided to User module register method, which needs for registering minimal information: username, password, email address.
To use this method, go to URL: [path-to-your-site]/user/register.
This register method asks a captcha code from the visitor.
5.3. A visitor uses sign-up method
A link may be provided, that a visitor, who wants to register an account, should use sign-up method.
Compared with register method, the sign-up method can be used to ask from the visitor for registering a lot of details like phone number(s), postal address, accepting terms of service (tick next to the link to TOS web page - i.e. agreement checkbox).
This method is available on the URL: [path-to-your-site]/user/sign-up.
There are various ways to customize the sign-up method web page.
You can change the URL link, which will be provided for agreement checkbox in User module sign-up method form.
To make such configuration, go to URL
Select module: User
See type: signUpView and Edit the entry, which uri is agreementLink.
You can use Form Field module to customize the form fields on the sign-up method page: whether a particular form field is visible (shown on this page), what is the order of it (location compared with other fields), is it required to fill out, what is the default value.
To make such customizations, go to URL
Look in the table in the column Event for signUpEvent and click Edit in the form field row, which you wish to change.
After that you should be on a Form Field module edit page.
There are self-explanatory form field labels and instructions on this Form Field module edit page about editing corresponding User module sign-up or other method form field.
5.4. Verifying Email
In case of the register and sign-up methods the visitor can not use his/her user account, before his/her email address has been verified.
When the visitor has filled out all the required form fields and clicked submit button, then a verifying message will be sent to the email address, which the visitor provided on the register or sign-up form. The visitor should then click the web-link in this email to verify the new user account.
Previous: 4.5. Give access rights for authenticated users | Next: 6. Multiple email addresses and user account recovery
Users and messages
1. Modules for managing users and messages
2. Sending automatic emails
2.1. Configure email authentication details
2.2. Manage message templates
3. Authenticating
4. Adjust the website for authenticated users
4.1. Access rights for unauthenticated visitors
4.2. Adjustable links on user block
4.3. Change labels and other language phrases
4.4. Prepare content for authenticated visitors
4.5. Give access rights for authenticated users
5. Registering new users
6. Multiple email addresses and user account recovery
7. Manage contact forms and emails
8. Manage postal addresses
9. User profile